The Changing
Face of Harlem, a documentary directed by Shawn Batey, takes a thought
provoking, comprehensive look at the redevelopment and gentrification of Harlem.
Batey begins with a brief pictorial history of Harlem starting with its birth as
a Native American settlement, through each of its incarnations to present
times. Once a retreat for Manhattan’s Upper Crust in the 19th
Century, Harlem reinvented herself, next becoming the seat of African American
culture and thought during the Harlem Renaissance of the early 20th century, later enduring
the struggles and pains of the Great Depression, going on to survive an era of
upheaval, political unrest, and neighborhood deconstruction from the 1960’s
through the 1970’s. Now a community perched upon prime real estate steeped in
history, culture, and architecture, many groups are taking a new look at this neighborhood.
Ms. Batey presents an unbiased, discerning view of the different factions vying
for a stake in this magical two mile area, which has fueled the world’s
imagination for decades.
In this film, Batey encourages viewers to
consider options on how to sustain the vested interests of native Harlem
residents, while at the same time creating opportunity for real estate
investors and their affluent clients, without disenfranchising or excluding
either group. How does Harlem maintain its identity without losing itself to
corporate America and gentrification? Is there room for all to coexist? Batey leaves this question open for her
audience to decide. She simply paints a global picture, incorporating the opinions
of all those involved: the street vendor, the 50 year resident, the upper
income investors looking for cheaper housing stock (with Victorian
architectural accents), the politician, and the corporate investor.
The Changing
Face of Harlem is an excellent film, providing insight to residents of
historical neighborhoods, community activists, real estate developers,
politicians, and corporate investors who desire to understand the dynamics and
challenges involved with revitalizing, rehabilitating, developing and investing
in cultural and historical neighborhoods like Harlem around the nation. Ms.
Batey’s film should be viewed and considered by anyone planning to engage in any
community redevelopment and revitalization plan.
To learn more about Shawn Batey and The Changing Face of Harlem, please visit her website: